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Forrester Research: 3 Key Imperatives for Today’s Sales Organizations

Wednesday, June 17, 2020 - 11:00 - 12:00 PM MDT
The pressure is mounting for growth strategy leaders to keep up with rapidly shifting markets. Discover three key imperatives for sales organizations to succeed from Forrester Principal Analyst, Mary Shea.

The pressure is mounting for leaders to compete and survive in today’s rapidly changing world. That means businesses need the ability to adapt their sales plans just as quickly. And those choosing to remain stagnant, clinging to dated internal planning processes and tools, are ultimately setting themselves up for failure.

In a recent online survey of 352 B2B sales, finance, and other business leaders, Forrester found that although leaders are aware they must take a continuous, data-driven approach to sales planning, less than one-third are able to make the people, process, or technology changes necessary to adapt at the speed of market change.

In this webinar, Mary Shea, Principal Analyst at Forrester, breaks down the three key sales planning imperatives for today’s sales organizations to gain agility and surpass their competition:

  1. Why Continuous planning has never been so essential: 84% said that they need to be able to adapt incentives as the market changes and execute real-time course corrections based on trusted data—not gut-level instinct. 
  2. Why Complacency is the kiss of death for growth strategy leaders: 79% of the survey participants said that there is more pressure than ever before to deliver on higher growth targets. As Board patience wears increasingly thin, staying stagnant is the worst choice for businesses.
  3. How AI-driven Sales Performance Management (SPM) unlocks key insights to fuel continuous planning: 90% said that making real-time decisions based on real-time insights is important to be effective. AI-enabled solutions are necessary to bridge the knowledge, process, and technology gaps in business planning today. 
Webinar Speakers
Mary Shea
Mary Shea
Principal Analyst

Mary Shea is a principal analyst serving Forrester’s B2B marketing and sales professionals. In this role, she writes for and advises clients on routes-to-market strategies in the age of the customer. Mary’s research specifically focuses on the empowered B2B buyer and how business leaders must adapt, organize, and enable their marketers, sellers, and channel partners to succeed both today and in the future.