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Supporting a Distributed and Remote Sales Team

More companies are building distributed sales teams, and often their sales operations employees are scattered across multiple locations as well. As companies start expanding their sales tech stack, they need to train the users (both front line and administrative), and often don’t have the time to fly everyone to headquarters. In this 15 minute video, Erik asks Gary Cottrell to show him how a company can make it easier for users to be led down the path to learning the key features of their tech stack. 

  • Incentive Compensation
  • Sales Coaching and Motivation
  • Sales Performance Management
Webinar Speakers
Erik W. Charles
Chief Evangelist

Erik serves as a subject matter expert on the interlocking fields of revenue intelligence, revenue performance, and revenue optimization. Erik focuses on helping Xactly drive expansion and growth by better aligning positions, responsibilities, and incentives to be in sync with achievable strategic and tactical goals. He is an accomplished professional with more than two decades of experience in marketing, consulting, and product evangelization.